304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

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Registration of an Entity in US & Conversion

Case Facts:

An Indian Client, being a popular alternative therapy consultant has a website, which
generates lot of traffic in US and is very popular as well. He wants to formally register
his business in US so that he can receive consultancy fees directly in US from US
Clients. He is the Sole member and manager of this business and wants to register a
Delaware Corporation without physically moving to US.

Queries / Requirements from the Clients:

Query 1: The Client wants a comprehensive overview about:
  • Overview of Delaware as a State, i.e. Prospects, Advantages, Limitations etc.
  • Registration Process of Delaware Corporation in Detail,
  • The forms that will be needed to file and with which authority,
  • Normal filing fee and fees for expedite filing,

My Opinion / Reply:

Overview of Delaware, Prospects, Advantages, and Limitations:

Delaware is the most business friendly destination, with a well-established legal
system. A non-resident of Delaware as well as non-US Citizen can establish a
Delaware Corporation; provided there registered office is located within the state.
Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL) governs process of Incorporation and
filing fees and it is applicable to LLC, Delaware C Corp, General Partnerships,
Limited Liability Partnership. However, Sole Proprietorship business is not
required to make such filings. It is home to most of fortune 500 Companies and
publicly traded Companies.