304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Co-Founders Agreement

Co-Founders Agreement

easeblogJul 17, 20243 min read

Case Facts: Three Clients being Promoters intend to set up a Company to develop Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Product for streamlining project management for small and medium sized business. They are already in a stage of incorporating theircompany called “Techsolutions” and want…

Individual Income Tax  

Individual Income Tax  

easeblogMay 27, 20245 min read

Case Facts:  Client, Kyrian Robertson, 29 years old, is a software Engineer and a taxpayer  in the United States with no dependents and is not married, want to file federal  income tax returns for 2022. Kyrian has earned a total…

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Registration of an Entity in US & Conversion

easeblogMay 8, 20242 min read

Case Facts: An Indian Client, being a popular alternative therapy consultant has a website, whichgenerates lot of traffic in US and is very popular as well. He wants to formally registerhis business in US so that he can receive consultancy…

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